4/10 Common Ground Magazine Presents: Earth Day Drummm Circle Celebration, 6-7pm @ de Young Museum, SF, CA.Celebrate art, life, community and the planet through drumming! 50 drums to play, first come first serve. All ages, no experience necessary.
FREE! (public)
4/15 Drummm 4 ALL, 3:00-3:45pm @ Antioch Library, Antioch, CAHands-on, family-friendly drumming experience. We bring the drums, YOU make the music! All ages, no experience necessary.
FREE! (public)
4/25 Bass Drummm 101 Workshop, 10-11am @ Seattle World Rhythm Festival, Seattle, WAGet down deep into the heart and soul of the bass drum. Explore bass drum rhythms from a variety of genres and cultures. Bring a dunun, surdo, tom, etc. if you have one. There will be some extras on hand.
FREE! (public)
5/3 “One People – One Rhythm" DRUMMM Circle, 2:15-3:15pm (following parade at 1pm) @ Jewish Heritage Festival, Sacramento, CACelebrate culture and connect with community through drumming. 40 drums to play, first come first serve. All ages, no experience necessary.
FREE! (public)
5/7 Community Celebration Drummm Circle, 7-9pm @ JCC SF, SF, CAEnd of class celebration. DRUMMM Circle, potluck and presentation. OPEN to the community, ALL ages welcome and NO experience necessary. Please bring a dish or beve
rage to share. FREE! (public)
5/8 Teambuilding Drummm Workshops @ Walters Jr. High, Fremont, SF. (private)
5/9 Family Drummm Workshops, daylong @ Y.E.S. Family Camp, Pescadero, CA
Richmond families explore drumming together as a way to build closer relationships and stronger communities. (private)
5/14 Teambuilding DRUMMMing with Youth in Mind @ California Mental Health Advocates for Children and Youth Conference, Asilomar, CA. (private)
5/18 Caregiver Retreat: "Drummm for Wellness—Celebrating the Rhythms of Life", 2:00-3:15pm @ Family Caregiver Alliance, Fremont, CAFamily caregivers learn about drumming as a tool for wellness and stress reduction for themselves and those they care for. (private)
5/21-6/25 Summer Session: Drummm Adult Rhythm Class (6 weeks), 7-8:30pm @ JCC SF, SF, CAUnleash the drummer within! Discover your natural sense of rhythm, connect with your community, release stress and have fun. Open to all levels of experience.
$140 members/$150 public.
Early registration special: Register by 5/15 and save $15! Visit
jccsf.org to register to call 415.292.1278. (public)
Bring a drum or rent one for $30 for the series. Contact Jeni at
jeni@drummm.com or 510.316.2850 to reserve a drum PRIOR to the first class.
5/26 Oakland Funds for the Arts Grant Recipient: Cross-Cultural Teambuilding Drummm Workshop, 1:14-3:15pm @ Oakland International High School, Oakland, CAInternational high school students and teachers develop teambuilding, leadership and communication skills through rhythm. (private)
6/5 "Drummm for Wellness: Connecting With the Rhythms of Life", 8pm @ Alpha 1 Conference, SF, CAHands-on presentation exploring the health benefits of drumming for people with Alpha 1, their families, caregivers, and service providers. (private)
CLICK HERE to see Full Calendar