Wednesday, April 22, 2009

DRUMMM makes a HIT at the de Young Museum!

photo by

Cultural Encounters Presents a Celebration of Earth Day and Warhol Live: the de Young goes Green with Common Ground magazine

An estimated 200 people came out to Jeni Swerdlow's Drummm Circle at the Pizzoni Murals room at S.F.'s de Young Museum on April 13th. A celebration of Earth Day and the Andy Warhol exhibit, the museum was vibrating to the beat of the drums as toddlers to seniors joined together in joyous rhythm.

People poured into the room when they heard the music, not expecting to become part of the event until they were shown the drums upon entering. At least half of the participants said they had never touched a drum before, but their smiles and applause showed that they were enjoying the experience nonetheless.

Jeni was joined by guest musicians Mahsa Modarres and Carrie Staller, as well as fellow drum circle facilitators Mikael Khei (Norway) and Kathy Quain (Oakland, CA). Belly dancer Andrea Aranda shared her shimmy with the drum circle as people played along.

See photos from the event, thanks to

Monday, April 6, 2009

My Creative Life Interview #1 with Jeni Swerdlow , Drum Facilitator

I was thrilled when Gabrielle Javier-Cerulli, The Expressive Arts Coach, asked me to be the first interview of her new blog!

Click here to read the interview

Upcoming Events

4/10 Common Ground Magazine Presents: Earth Day Drummm Circle Celebration, 6-7pm @ de Young Museum, SF, CA.
Celebrate art, life, community and the planet through drumming! 50 drums to play, first come first serve. All ages, no experience necessary. FREE! (public)

4/15 Drummm 4 ALL, 3:00-3:45pm @ Antioch Library, Antioch, CA
Hands-on, family-friendly drumming experience. We bring the drums, YOU make the music! All ages, no experience necessary. FREE! (public)

4/25 Bass Drummm 101 Workshop, 10-11am @ Seattle World Rhythm Festival, Seattle, WA
Get down deep into the heart and soul of the bass drum. Explore bass drum rhythms from a variety of genres and cultures. Bring a dunun, surdo, tom, etc. if you have one. There will be some extras on hand. FREE! (public)

5/3 “One People – One Rhythm" DRUMMM Circle, 2:15-3:15pm (following parade at 1pm) @ Jewish Heritage Festival, Sacramento, CA
Celebrate culture and connect with community through drumming. 40 drums to play, first come first serve. All ages, no experience necessary. FREE! (public)

5/7 Community Celebration Drummm Circle, 7-9pm @ JCC SF, SF, CA
End of class celebration. DRUMMM Circle, potluck and presentation. OPEN to the community, ALL ages welcome and NO experience necessary. Please bring a dish or beverage to share. FREE! (public)

5/8 Teambuilding Drummm Workshops @ Walters Jr. High, Fremont, SF. (private)

5/9 Family Drummm Workshops, daylong @ Y.E.S. Family Camp, Pescadero, CA
Richmond families explore drumming together as a way to build closer relationships and stronger communities. (private)

5/14 Teambuilding DRUMMMing with Youth in Mind @ California Mental Health Advocates for Children and Youth Conference, Asilomar, CA. (private)

5/18 Caregiver Retreat: "Drummm for Wellness—Celebrating the Rhythms of Life", 2:00-3:15pm @ Family Caregiver Alliance, Fremont, CA
Family caregivers learn about drumming as a tool for wellness and stress reduction for themselves and those they care for. (private)

5/21-6/25 Summer Session: Drummm Adult Rhythm Class (6 weeks), 7-8:30pm @ JCC SF, SF, CA
Unleash the drummer within! Discover your natural sense of rhythm, connect with your community, release stress and have fun. Open to all levels of experience.
$140 members/$150 public. Early registration special: Register by 5/15 and save $15! Visit to register to call 415.292.1278. (public)

Bring a drum or rent one for $30 for the series. Contact Jeni at or 510.316.2850 to reserve a drum PRIOR to the first class.

5/26 Oakland Funds for the Arts Grant Recipient: Cross-Cultural Teambuilding Drummm Workshop, 1:14-3:15pm @ Oakland International High School, Oakland, CA
International high school students and teachers develop teambuilding, leadership and communication skills through rhythm. (private)

6/5 "Drummm for Wellness: Connecting With the Rhythms of Life", 8pm @ Alpha 1 Conference, SF, CA
Hands-on presentation exploring the health benefits of drumming for people with Alpha 1, their families, caregivers, and service providers. (private)

CLICK HERE to see Full Calendar